Content Marketing Definition – Using Content to Market Your Website

Using Content to Market Your Website

Let’s face it – no one goes anywhere online unless they actually want to view, read, or listen to something.

Content Marketing Definition

Content is – and Will Always be – King

content marketing definitionWhether it’s a phone number, a how-to article or a cat video, people either consume your content or find some other content that interests them. It’s all about content.

So a good content marketing definition would be “subject matter that shows you know what you’re talking about and can help in some way.”

People will choose interesting content on a plain old website rather than uninteresting, uninformative nonsense on a glitzy, over-optimized popular site.

Here’s Wikipedia’s take on content marketing.

Good Content Isn’t Affected by Google Search Updates

People often report that their site has been “deindexed” by the latest Google (insert animal name here) update. What they really mean is the hack or loophole they’ve been using to get good rankings no longer works.

Google makes its money by giving people exactly what they’re searching for – exactly when they want it. When a website attempts to get better rankings using the latest scheme to “get on the 1st page of Google,” rather than merely providing some useful content, Google eventually figures it out and shuts them down.

content marketing definitionNo one likes to search for something, click on the #1 search result, only to find something totally unrelated to them original search term. It’s happened to me – a lot – and it’s annoying.

So a good content marketing definition starts by creating good quality content and publishing it on a regular basis. Remember, if you do something just a little bit better than your competitor, you’ll eventually come out on top.

Isn’t Creating Good Quality Content Difficult?

This is the problem, right? If creating good quality content and publishing it on a regular basis were easy, everyone would be doing it. Fact is, not everyone does it. Lots of people rely on hacks and loopholes to rank better. We’ve already discussed what happens to them.

But you can use that fact to your advantage. If you create good quality content and publish it on a regular basis, you could stand out and rank higher. Plus, your rankings will persist for a long time and remain in place no matter how many Google updates there are.

Creating good quality content using the right keywords in the right way is only the first step in content marketing.

The Basics of Good Content

There are two ways to begin creating good content. First, you could create content you’re interested in and hope other people might be interested in it too. Or you could find out what people want and need – and are already searching for – and create content that fits that want or need.

I’ll let you in on a little secret – the second way is harder but a lot more profitable. It’s harder because it requires that you find out what people want and need. Fortunately, by doing some keyword research, you can determine what people are already looking for. Then all you have to do is create content using those keywords.

Of course, there are guidelines to finding and using keywords in your content. And if you do it wrong, it not only won’t boost your rankings, it can even hurt your rankings.

So What’s Content Marketing?

Creating good quality content using the right keywords in the right way is only the first step in content marketing. You can enhance the effect of your good content by sharing it on social media – but that’s the subject of a future article in this series!

Once a visitor arrives on your website to view, read, or listen to your content, you must do two things.

First, your content must provide what we call “Know, Like and Trust.” That means building a relationship with your visitors over time so that they begin to know, like and trust you. You can’t expect them to do anything more until they see you as someone who knows what they’re talking about and can help them.

Once you establish “know, like and trust,” you can move on to step two – provide something that compels them to take some action. If you stop after step one, you’ll be helpful but you won’t make any money.

Advertise a special you’re offering. Ask them to sign-up for your newsletter. Get them to call your office. These are what we call a “Call to Action.”

These calls to action convert visitors who consume your content into leads. Isn’t that why you created your website in the first place?

If your website doesn’t actively provide leads, it’s only what we call an online business card. Online business cards provide some legitimacy, proving you’re an actual business and (hopefully) providing contact information – but they do little else.


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Content Marketing Definition – Using Content to Market Your Website

Rick Samara

About the Author

Highly established skills focus on local search marketing (SEO), primarily on getting your business in and at the top of the Google 3-Pack. Content marketing, social media marketing, business listing management, reputation, and review management are critical to your success. These skills are applied to helping your local businesses dominate your local market and get ahead of your competition!


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Content Marketing Definition – Using Content to Market Your Website

Rick Samara

About the Author

Highly established skills focus on local search marketing (SEO), primarily on getting your business in and at the top of the Google 3-Pack. Content marketing, social media marketing, business listing management, reputation, and review management are critical to your success. These skills are applied to helping your local businesses dominate your local market and get ahead of your competition!

We have a proven track record!

Proof our internet marketing efforts work

We made $53,871 in
for a
Local Client.

This was a small plumbing company with
only 3 techs!

We know what it takes to put your business at the top of your local market.

Can we do the same kind of work for your company?

Google 3-Pack and Revenue Proof that our internet marketing efforts work


Mary Flenniken

“I love working with Rick Samara. He provides a wealth of information on marketing our dental practice on the Internet!

He’s developed an integrated plan that includes our new website design, Google Place Listing and Facebook Fan Page; and he even provided us a free Internet coupon (ZPON) campaign. I’m excited.

He is totally accessible. I can tell his number 1 priority is helping us grow our business. We work together.

He provides constant updates on his activity. It just couldn’t get any better.

If you are not using Rick to market your business on the Internet, you are making a huge mistake!”

Mary Flenniken
Mary Flenniken

Coach Todd

“Working with Rick and Paul has been awesome!

Not only are they very good at what they do, But there’s something more. They are genuinely interested in me and my business. They have helped me do much with my sites, internet presence, video production, and great ideas!

They come with my highest recommendation.

– Compete, Have Fun, Play at the Next Level Coach

Todd Thomas
Todd Thomas

Guenther Law Offices

“Rick Samara’s Internet marketing services and strategies are a “sure fire” success for small business owners.

He explained to me the advantages of claiming my Google Place Listing (now MyBusiness) for my law practice.

I wanted to target a specific geographic area to increase my visibility. Rick did it… fast! He now has me on Google page one for valuable keywords that relate directly to my practice and consistently creates new business for my firm.

If you want results, talk to Rick!”

Dan Guenther
Dan Guenther

James Galloway

“Rick is a true professional. I have worked with Rick before and am amazed by his constant ability to deliver regardless of the job at hand.

His attention to detail is simply superb and to pin point his area of expertise is difficult as he covers so much.

Anybody looking to work with Rick is truly in safe hands and I am more than happy to recommend him and his services.”


James Galloway
James Galloway

Self Empower Coaching

“I knew I needed a website. I did that with GoDaddy. But, that website wasn’t really doing anything to promote my business…

Paul redesigned my website and Rick did the SEO work. I quickly started ranking high in Google local search.

Paul and I now meet every week to discuss new strategies on promoting my business.

And, I learned how to do SEO from Rick.

Paul has helped me create content and products, based on my knowledge and experience, that I can sell right from my website. And, it works! We’re on an amazing journey that I’m confident will not only grow my reputation and business, but will also create residual profit for me with the products Paul has helped me create.”

Deborah Oronzio
Deb Oronzio

Jerry Deason

“eInternet Marketing Services has exceeded my wildest expectations! Rick built my original website and he and Paul have recently modernized it. It looks fantastic, and it’s maximized for smart phone (mobile) search and local search.

Bottom line… they make my phone ring with new business customers. I’m proud to contribute to their our testimonials page!

If your goal is to get on the first page of Google for local search and increase your business, they do it better than anybody else!”

Jerry Deason
Jerry Deason

Judy Helm-Wright

Paul and Rick have been very responsive to help on the various forums. For me, that is a sign of a true service-oriented business who serves others.

Judy Helm-Wright
Judy Helm-Wright